A Beginner’s Guide to Create a Website

If you’ve ever wondered how to make a website without needing the web development skills to do it, you’ll be glad to know that with the tools available today, it’s totally possible and quite easy to do.  


With thesw guide I want to show you that you don’t need to code or hire a web developer to have a great looking and functioning website.


There’s only 3 steps to building your own website


1. Choose a website building platform
2. Choose a domain name (www.) and host
3. Setup, design and tweak your website






Step 1: Choose a website building platform

First thing you need to do is choose what website platform to build your website on.There are many different website building platforms such as WordPress, Blogger, Drupal and Joomla . Some platforms require you to know a little bit of HTML / CSS or other coding languages, so you really need to decide where you are at in terms of website building ability. If you are a beginner then you would be best to choose WordPress.

As you can see the graph Below, nearly half of the websites on the Internet are running on the WordPress website platform.

 Most Popular Site Building Platforms in 2017

 WordPress is extremely powerful and can run most types of sites. It’s a trusted platform for many of the busiest websites in the world. It can handle pretty much anything

Drupal is a very powerful platform that is popular with web developers and experienced coders, but it comes with a very steep learning curve that makes it a bad choice for beginners.

Joomla is similar to WordPress and works great for websites too, but you’ll need at least a little bit of technical coding to make it work the way you want.

For beginners, I suggest to build with WordPress.


Step 2:  Choose a domain name and host

 If you’re setting up a blog, personal website or business website, you will need both a domain name  (YourWebsiteName.com) This means that you will have your very own Web Property. You will also need hosting (a service that connects your site to the internet). With the hosting package you also get unlimited email addresses that are assigned to your domain name (Mayur@YourWebsiteName.com).


Featured Web Hosting Service


  • FREE domain and site builder
  • 1-click WordPress installs
  • Unlimited site traffic and in-house support available 24/7
  • Starting $7.99/month,
  • Industry-leading hardware and uptime

  • Easy-to-use control panel
  • FREE Weebly site builder
  • Unlimited disk space, emails, and bandwidth on all plans
  • No contract required and 45-day money-back guarantee
  • 50% off your first month, plus domains starting at $5!

  • No coding skills necessary with 1&1 MyWebsite
  • Free domain name included, or transfer your existing site
  • Quickly build a site equipped for online sales with PayPal
  • $50-worth of free paid ad credits and 1&1 SEO Spotlight
  • Measure and track your success with 1&1 SiteAnalytics

  • Enterprise-level WordPress hosting
  • Built-in caching and staging
  • Unlimited data transfer
  • Daily backups and 1-click restore
  • Starting from $24.20/month

 Typically, hosting will cost you approximately $3 – $5 per month. It’s worth it, really it is! If you’re serious about building your own website then you need your own hosting and domain name.

 What domain name should I choose?

 Thinking of a decent name for your website can be the toughest thing about building your own website.
Domain names usually end with .com, .org or .net, but in recent months, a huge amount of domain extensions (the end part of the web address, like .com) have come out, ranging from .agency to .pizza.

Avoid the weird extensions and go with .com, .net or .org unless they perfectly describe what you have to offer – and even then, see if you can find a more common name.
While .com, .org and .net are commonly used and easily remembered, the domain extension craze hasn’t really gone mainstream yet – so people may not find you if you use a really different domain extension.

There are a few things that can help you choose your domain name:

1. Is it brandable? For example, if you make a site about Tech then best-Tech-website.net is not a good choice: Techstartup.com or Technews.com is much better.

2. Is it memorable? Short, punchy and clear domain names are much easier to remember. If your domain name is too fuzzy, too long or spelled in a strange way, visitors may forget it.

3. Is it catchy? You want a domain name that rolls off the tongue, describes what you (or your business) does and sticks in the head. Coming up with a cool name can be a bit tough since there are approximately 150 million active domain names in the world right now – but don’t give up.

There’s one rule that always applies to domain names: If you like it, go for it.

STEP 3:  Setup, design and tweak your website

Once you’ve bought your domain name and set up your hosting, you’re well on your way!

Now it’s time to get your website up and running. You have two choices. Install with 1-click installation or manual installation.One click install is very very easy. 

If you signed up with your hosting company, you should find your “1-click-installation” in your account control panel.

These are the steps you need to follow with the “1-click-installation” process. This will be the same or very similar on all of the other major web hosting companies websites.

  1. Log in to your hosting account.
  2. Go to your control panel.
  3. Look for the “Website” icon.(like wordpress)
  4. Choose the domain where you want to install your website.
  5. Click the “Install Now” button and that’s basically it! You’ll get details of how to access your new  website.

Choosing a Theme/Template for your site

Once you have successfully installed you’ll see a very basic yet clean site. That’s why you need a theme. It’s time to make this site of yours look professional / awesome / cool, whatever you want it to be.

Create a new page: Set up as many static pages as you want on your website. For example, you may want to create an “About Us” page or a “Contact” page.

Create a blog post: One page of your website should show a syndicated feed of your latest blog posts. When you write a new post, it should be shown on whichever page displays the blog.

Choose a theme or layout: Sites like Tumblr, Blogger, Google Sites and WordPress have pre-made layouts for you to choose from so you can customize the look of your website.

Multimedia integration: Most content management systems have a content box that allows you to insert your content, along with options for uploading pictures, video or music.

Sidebar widgets: You can usually to add a number of features like blogrolls, links, photos, calendars, or anything else to the sidebar of your website so that it is displayed on every single page of your site.

Plugins: WordPress is famous for its wide range of available plugins that help accomplish a specific task without needing to code it for yourself. For example, there are plugins available for to display your social media accounts and to battle spam comments.

Comments: You can choose to enable or disable comments on your blog page.

Social media: Some platforms such as Tumblr give you the option to integrate your site with social networks like Facebook or Twitter, so they are automatically updated when you create a new post.

HTML editing: If you understand and know how to use HTML code, you may be able to customize your layout according to your own preferences. Although most free web hosting services don’t offer open source access, sites like Tumblr allow you to edit or change some of the code.

Creating a website can be quite complicated and daunting for someone who have never learnt how to code or had any experience with websites. This guide helps people to get online quickly , effectively and without the need of a web developer.

If you have followed all these steps in this guide, then chances are you now have a website! I’ve really enjoyed putting this guide together and I hope it’s helped you produce the website you’ve always wanted.

If you find my guides useful, please share my page. And you have any issue or problem regarding steps plz contact me


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